Basic Output & Interaction
Console Logging a Message
Exercise: Display a simple message in the browser console.
Use the console logging function to send a string message.
Open your browser’s developer tools to see the output.
console.log("Hello! This is a message!");
Alert Pop-up
Exercise: Show a pop-up message when the page loads.
Use the function that triggers a window alert.
Insert a text message inside the alert function.
window.alert("Let's code together!");
Writing to the Document
Exercise: Output text on the HTML web page dynamically.
Choose the document helper that writes to the HTML.
Output your chosen text on the page.
document.write("This is a dynamic text");
Prompt for Input
Exercise: Ask the user for their name and store the input.
Use the prompt function to request input.
Save the value in a variable.
let name = prompt("What is your name?: ");
Modify Inner HTML of an Element
Exercise: Change the text of an element with a given ID.
Access the element using its unique identifier.
Change the element’s inner text to a new message.
<p id="paragraph">Before Change</p>
function changeParagraph() {
document.getElementById("paragraph").innerHTML = "After Change";
<button onclick="changeParagraph()">Change!</button>
Variables & Declarations
Declare Variables with Let and Var
Exercise: Create two variables with let and var using different values.
Use the let keyword to declare one variable.
Use the var keyword to declare another variable, assigning a distinct value.
let a = "Value1";
var b = "Value2";
Usage of Const
Exercise: Create a constant and assign a string value that will not change.
Declare a constant using the correct keyword.
Ensure that its value cannot be changed later in the code.
const text = "This is a string";
Variable Reassignment
Exercise: Reassign a variable declared with let, then try with const and notice the difference.
Change the value of a let variable.
Attempt to change a const variable and observe the error or the behavior in your browser console.
let variable = "A variable";
variable = "This and that";
const text = "This is a string";
text = "This won't work!";
Understanding Variable Scope
Exercise: Explain the difference in scope between var and let by describing possible outcomes in different blocks.
Create a variable with var inside a block (e.g., an if statement).
Create a variable with let inside the same block.
Describe in words or comments how they behave differently outside the block.
a = 0;
b = 0;
if (a == b){
let c = 1;
var d = 2;
//It seems like var works in a global scope so it works outside the block too!
Explaining Data Types
Exercise: List and explain the basic JavaScript data types.
Write a comment or note that enumerates each type: String, Number, BigInt, Boolean, Undefined, Null, Symbol, and Object.
Provide a short description of each type.
//String is text inside '' or "";
/* Number is numbers that can be added or multiplied like 12 or 10.5 */
//BigInt in JavaScript is a built-in object that represents whole numbers larger than (2^{53} - 1)
// Boolean is binary value that can either be true or false
// Undefined is a variable that has been declared but has no value assigned to it.
// null is equal to undefined but the difference is that it means there should not be a value assigned to a variable
// an objest is like const person = {firstName:"John", lastName:"Doe"};
// I really don't know what the symbol is!
Working with Arrays
Create and Log an Array
Exercise: Initialize an array with a few string elements and log it to the console.
Use the array literal format to create an array.
Output the array to the console using your logging function.
let theCities = ["Teheran", "Qom", "Isfahan"];
Appending Elements to an Array
Exercise: Add a new element at the end of an array using the method you know.
Identify the function that appends an element to an array.
Use it to add a new string to the array.
let theCities = ["Teheran", "Qom", "Isfahan"];
Removing the Last Element of an Array
Exercise: Remove the last element from an array.
Use the appropriate array method to remove the last element.
Optionally log the modified array to confirm removal.
let theCities = ["Teheran", "Qom", "Isfahan"];
Working with Array Operations
Exercise: Create an array with three items, then add one more using push and finally remove one using pop.
Declare an array with three elements.
Use the method to add another item.
Use the removal method to remove the last added item.
let theCities = ["Teheran", "Qom", "Isfahan"];
Swap Two Elements in an Array
Exercise: Write steps to switch the positions of the first two elements in an array.
Access the element at the first position.
Access the element at the second position.
Swap their positions logically, and then verify the new order by outputting the array.
let theCities = ["Teheran", "Qom", "Isfahan"];
let a = theCities[0];
let b = theCities[1];
theCities = [b, a, "Isfahan"];
Understanding Arithmetic Operators
Simple Math Operation
Exercise: Use addition to combine two numbers.
Identify two numeric variables or values.
Use the addition operator to sum them.
Log the result.
let a = 2;
let b = 3;
console.log(a + b);
Subtraction Operation
Exercise: Subtract one number from another and display the result.
Select two numbers.
Use the subtraction operator between them.
View the outcome.
let a = 2;
let b = 3;
console.log(a - b);
Multiplication and Division
Exercise: Multiply two numbers and then divide the product by a given number.
Multiply two selected numbers.
Divide the multiplication result by another number.
Log the final answer.
let a = 2;
let b = 3;
let c = a * b;
let d = c / 2;
Modulus Operation
Exercise: Find the remainder of a division operation using modulus.
Choose two numbers where one is not a multiple of the other.
Apply the modulus operator and then log the remainder.
let a = 2;
let b = 3;
let c = a * b;
let d = c % 2;
Exponentiation Operation
Exercise: Raise a number to a certain power using exponentiation.
Select a base number and an exponent.
Use the exponentiation operator to calculate the power.
Log/display the result.
let a = 2;
let b = 3;
console.log(a ** b);
Incrementing a Number
Exercise: Increase a variable’s value by one using the increment operator.
Start with a numeric variable.
Increase it by one.
Output the new number.
let a = 2;
Decrementing a Number
Exercise: Decrease a variable’s value by one using the decrement operator.
Use a numeric variable.
Decrease it by one.
Validate by logging the value.
let a = 2;
Chaining Arithmetic Operations
Exercise: Combine addition, multiplication, and division in one expression.
Decide on three numerical values.
Form an expression mixing several arithmetic operators.
Compute and log the final value.
let a = 2;
let b = 4;
let c = 6;
let d = a + b * 3 / 6;
Arithmetic with Variables
Exercise: Declare two number variables and perform several arithmetic operations between them.
Create two variables with numbers.
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide them in successive steps.
Log each result separately.
let a = 15;
let b = 45;
let c = 3;
let d = (a + b) / c;
Calculate the Area of a Rectangle
Exercise: Write down the steps to calculate the area from given length and width values.
Define variables for length and width.
Multiply them to get the area.
Output the computed area.
let height = 200;
let width = 100;
let area = height * width;
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